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Aims & Principles

  • Listed below are the Aims & Principles which shape all of our policies and describe our outlook.



Aims & Principles
1. The People's Democratic Party of Great Britain is a centre-ground, secular political party committed to increasing public participation in democracy and policy making.
2. We are committed to equality of opportunity (whilst acknowledging this doesn't guarantee equality of outcome) and are opposed to discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, class, gender, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity or other irrational grounds.
3. We believe UK democracy to be under threat from privilege, undue influence, political elitism and public apathy/contempt, and are committed to combating these. We believe in a society founded on personal freedom and personal and social responsibility.
4. We aim to create a genuine meritocracy in Britain whereby citizens achieve what they can based upon their own abilities and capacity for hard work, where artificial advantages of wealth or connection are discouraged. We believe in governing for the whole nation.
5. We support aspiration but oppose greed. We support private property and helping citizens acquire this through their own efforts. We support a mixed economy where most economic activity is undertaken by private enterprise but recognise that some services, by their nature, require state involvement. We support low but progressive taxation.
6. We support the NHS as a public service, free quality state education and university education that is accessible regardless of wealth. We support the Welfare State as it was originally envisaged - a necessary safety net, not a lifestyle choice. We recognise that UK resources are limited and that immigration and development must be limited & sustainable.
7. We believe that crime requires effective punishment & rehabilitation and that the criminal justice system should regard victim's rights as paramount. We support human rights and responsibilities, and acknowledge that human rights are not absolute and must be applied with regard to other's rights.
8. We believe democracy is best organised at the local/national level but support international cooperation, rather than coercion, where it is in the national interest. We are committed to the armed forces and the strong defence of the UK.
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