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Policy Proposals 2016 - Our Democratic Policy Creation


At the PDP, policy is voted on annually, with ALL our members able to propose and vote on Policy Proposals. Where any Proposal gains the support of at least 60% of members, and follows party Aims and Principles, it is binding upon the party and becomes policy. Proposals can be submitted all year and are detailed below. Members vote on-line or at Conference during the summer. Why not join us and have a genuine say in shaping a better Britain for the Future? 




(Key: The first number in BOLD is the Policy Proposal number on the voting paper. The numbers in (brackets) represent the existing Policy number being amended, replaced or deleted by the Proposal. (New) in brackets represents and entirely new proposal.  The three digits in (brackets) at the end of the Proposal are the last three digits of the Proposer's Membership Number, so members can easily spot their Proposals are included. Proposals may have multiple Proposers.)


1. (1) Replace the existing long 'Introduction' with a simple statement of our aim: to create a "better, fairer, more democratic Britain". (Amends) (101) APPROVED


2. (New) Criminal records of offences (other than sexual offences) committed as a minor should be wiped if the subject commits no further offences for two years after age 18.  This aims to help the rehabilitation of young offenders and prevent youthful stupidity from blighting future life. (232) APPROVED


3. (2.10) & (2.11) Replace 'imprisonment' with 'custodial supervision' in both policies. (101) APPROVED


4. (New) Specialist facilities to be set up to enable criminals who are coming to the end of their sentence to be able to reintegrate back into society so they are not institutionalized and a greater risk of re-offending. (589) APPROVED


5. (6) & (7.2) Remove now defunct references to the 'EU'. (101) APPROVED


6. (New)  Establish an official enquiry into the likely impact of new technology on the workplace, employment levels, incomes and population sustainability.  It is likely millions of jobs will be lost to high technology developments in the economy and we should begin planning for the possible consequences. (101) APPROVED


7. (10) Delete 'Europe' Heading altogether. (589) NOT APPROVED


8.  Delete policies 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3 as now out of date due to brexit vote. (589) APPROVED


9. Keep 'Europe' heading and replace policies at 8 above with "10.1 We respect the decision of the British people to leave the EU, though we deplore the lies, scaremongering and low level of debate from both sides of the referendum campaign. and wish to see a successful Brexit process brought about swiftly.  The UK should build a new, close and positive relationship with the EU based on free trade, coopertaion on cross border issues and mutual respect of our laws and citizens." (101) APPROVED


10. (12.0) Delete policy on troop withdrawals from Afghanistan as now out of date. (101) APPROVED


11. (13.6) (Add) Clinically trained management staff will be redeployed into clinical roles and bureaucracy reduced wherever practicable. (232) APPROVED


12. (17.3) Increase foreign aid for victims of the civil war in Syria and try wherever possible to support refugees in the neighbouring region so they can have viable lives without having to travel 1000s of miles to alien environments, climates and cultures.  The aim should be to encourage return to Syrian once a viable and sustainable peace that respects human rights has been achieved.  (232) APPROVED


13. (21.1) Remove outdated reference to withdrawal from Afghanistan. (101) APPROVED


14. (22.0) (Replace) Remove commitment to minimum 2.5% increase on pensions, but keep commitment to increases in line with at least earnings or inflation. (Thus making the 'Triple Lock' a more sustainable and fairer 'Double Lock') (101) APPROVED














(NOTE: All Policy Proposals should be considered in conjunction with existing PDP policies, especially those proposals stated to AMEND existing policy.)




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